Check List for Landing Pages and Landing Page Success Tips

Check List

Mark every step of the process as you consider / complete them. That will help
you to keep track of things you need to do. Include additional steps if necessary.
Getting Started
Determine free gift or service for giving away in exchange for the email address
Find a suitable auto-responder (email list) service for your campaign
Create a high converting landing page (squeeze page) to send traffic to
Set up squeeze page on your hosting / domain and send traffic
Landing Page Success Tips
Offer a freebie of some sort in exchange for your visitor's e-mail address
Professionally written landing page copy
No distractions such as other links or offer – just your optin form and legal links
Proven headline strategies – “sell” the benefits of your freebie or gift
Constantly monitor your results and split-test everything
Simple Tweaks For Creating An Awesome Headline
Be specific – Instead of “thousands” use a figure like “2,587.21” to draw attention
Keep your approach unique and original (headline, copy, etc.)
Introduce urgency in your copy (limited, expiring, exposed, revealing, etc.)
Don't be too direct, leave a level of mystery so they want to gain access
Focus on connecting personally with people (using “YOU” vs “he” or “she”)
Avoid The Top 5 Landing Page Mistakes
Consistency between call to action and the landing page product (solo ads, etc.)
Too many distractions (more than one link, too many buttons, graphics, etc.)
No emotional appeal or no clear call to action (make sure there's a flow)
Poor landing page design (proper size, simple form, offer is clear, etc.)
Overly complex or invasive forms (keep it simple, repeat offer, collection
essential information only)

Resources List

Landing Page Builders
• Profit Builder
• Thrive Content Builder
• Optimize Press 2.0
• InstaPage
• LeadPages
• Xtreme Builder
