Why Use Webinar

S1: For this module, we’ll be exploring why webinar is a great and efficient way to present and share your ideas with the world. Before delving into why webinar is a great vehicle to get your contents across, let’s understand webinar a bit more thoroughly. 
                               What is a  webinar? 
  • Online seminar aka teleseminar
  • All you need computer/laptop , webcam and internetconnection to conduct your own online seminar .
S2: What is a webinar? A webinar is a speaking engagement, like a seminar but done online. All you need to do your own webinar is a computer, a webcam, and a decent Internet connection. Nowadays, most computers come with a webcam so two out of three necessary things are already taken care of. However, it is recommended that if your webcam and microphone are of poor quality, you should get better ones. Enhancing the visual and audio experience can go a long way in a presentation.

S3: So, why use webinar? The first reason is because of its reach. Because it’s done online, your webinar will be able to reach a massive audience worldwide. Unlike a seminar that is confined to one big room, you are able to talk to people who are as far as the other side of the world. Also, you have complete control over the event because the presentation is between you and the audience with no third party interference. It’s good to have complete control over the large audience so that you can determine the course of the webinar. If you want to invite other speakers as guest, they can deliver their presentation from wherever they are. You’ll save time and money on transportation, accommodation, and other expenditures needed for a normal seminar. The reach of a webinar goes as far as the Internet’s. 

S4: The second reason for using webinar is that you are closer to the audience. As the audience is able to see your face, they would feel as if you are standing face-toface with them. This plays a huge role in your presentation as it can help you engage the audience more. Being personal and having an affable demeanor can really make your presentation better. Any content when presented with personality will be easy for the audience to take in. With that in mind, it’s important that you are presentable during a webinar. Even though you can conduct a webinar in the comfort of your own home, it’s important to remember not to be too comfortable. You are still engaging with an audience.
S5: To conduct a webinar, there’s very little budget involved. As mentioned, all you really need is a computer, webcam, and an Internet connection. Those are the essentials. Even if you are inviting guests, you still don’t have to pay for their transportation, accommodation, and many others. Also, in a real seminar, you would have to rent a venue to fit in all the attendees. The prices for venues for seminars are very high, usually, and on top of that you would have to pay for decorations, posters, and pamphlets. Even though the budget for a webinar is low, the profit is very high. A webinar is a high-ticket product. The price for a webinar can range from 297 dollars up to 2,000 dollars. With what little equipment and preparation needed technical-wise, the return sure is rewarding. Remember that the space for attendees of a webinar is unlimited, which means that you can have as many buyers as you can. Even if you have a small audience, you would still profit. A fee of 297 to 2,000 dollars really makes it easy to earn a profit. 

S6: A webinar is also a great backend product because of its price. When a purchaser makes a purchase, they will be directed through the sales funnel where they will then be offered a higher-priced product. The product initially purchased is called a frontend product. The higher-priced product offered after the frontend product is sold is called the backend.The selling of this backend product is called an upsell. The upsell is always priced higher. 

S7: A webinar can be done at your own convenience. It can be done at whatever time that suits you. You are the organizer and you are the speaker, which means you are free to set the time. Because of the time zone differences, you don’t have to worry too much about abiding anyone’s preferences. If you feel that you work better at night, then you can do it then. Wherever there’s an Internet connection, a comfortable place with your computer and webcam, a webinar can be conducted. You can even do in the comfort of your home as long as it provides a presentable setting. You don’t have to find a hall to rent. You’ll save the hassle of having to find the right place, negotiating the price, and your attendees do not have to travel for your webinar.

S8: What you can use your webinars for is completely up to you. You can use it to give lessons, which it usually is for. All the facilities a webinar platform provides accommodate a lesson sufficiently. You can even show demonstrations by livesharing your computer screen. Webinars can also be used for coaching be it individual or even a group. The interactivity of a webinar allows a two-way communication between you, the speaker, and the audience. You can conduct discussions and with a more effective communication, it’s easier for your audience to catch on to what you say. Also, an access to a webinar is a great bonus for a product. Promising an access to a webinar as a bonus is a great way to sell a product because webinars are usually high-priced. Hence, not only it makes a great upsell, as mentioned before, it also makes a perfect bonus.
