How To Use Joint Venture Partners to Fill Up Your Webinar Room

S1: Now, I am going to teach you how to use joint venture partners, or JVs, to fill up your webinar room in this module. JVs isone of the assets you must invest, because they are the people that can boost the number of your attendees for your webinars. I will lead you step-by-step throughout this module to grow your JV list. 

S2: First thing’s first, getting JVs. You need to be ready before you approach the JVs, make sure your JV page is already set up, so that your JVs can straightaway know what is happening through the page. More of this later on. If you don’t have your own JV list yet, join and participate in Facebook groups or any other forums to expand your network. Forums are the usual hangout place for the JVs. You can grow your JV list. Then, approach new potential JVs in the groups. Making connection with new people is a must to grow the list. You need to approach them. A power tip here: Help other JVs’ launches. Demonstrate your values first. This is the most important thing to do first when you approach the JVs. Every one of them wants to know what your value is as a JV before both of you can form a partnership. 

S3:Here are some reliable places to find JVs., and S4: As I mentioned, you need to set up your JV page before you approach the JVs, I will teach you how to set up the JVs’ page. The first thing you need is, of course, the JV registration page. Here is an example of the information you’ll need from your JVs – email address, name and the ID of the marketplace. In the screen shot, it is an example fromClickBank. Collect the JVZoo account ID instead if you are using JVZoo. S5: The essential things to have in your JV page are the registration form, three swipe promotion emails, banners, graphics and videos. Registration form is provided for the JVs to register themselves as your affiliate, collect their name and emails will do for this case. Don’t make it a complicated process for them, and then, their preferred payment method. That’s it. Three swipe promotions emails with different varieties. Some of them may be in the business for years and they know exactly what promotion emails are. However, some of them may be a newbie in the business. So, you might want to provide different variety of emails for them to choose. Banners, graphics and videos are provided for the JVs to insert into their sales page. 

S6:Here you go with some JV page tips. First, you definitely want to emphasize on the benefits for your JVs. This is what they concern the most, “What’s in it for me?” You need to make them believe that they can make big sales through your webinars. Like I mentioned before, simple sign up process is crucial for them as well. You don’t need to know more about them except for the name, email and the payment method. Save their time and work, you do lesser job as well. Give them the review access to your webinar, or insert the webinar replay in the JV page. This is important for them to evaluate your webinar. 

S7: To attract more JVs to join your affiliate program, JV Contest is a good way. Provide attractive rewards for the top 3 super affiliate who made the most sales. It motivates them to try harder to get more sales as well. The common reward is usually cash prizes. Provide the current webinar schedule. This way, you can show them the empty slots that are lack of JVs. With the availability of the slots, your JVs can choose which dates to slot in their name as well as to show them the people you’re working with, as a social proof to strengthen your credibility. 

S8: Your offers arethe first thing JVs looking for. The most direct way is to show them the numbers, let them speak for you. High converting webinars at the rate of 10% or more would be a good proof of your credibility as well. Rock solid products always attract JVs. Lucrative payouts with 3 figure commissions.The standard commission scheme is as following: 50 percent for 297 dollars product, 40 percent for 497 dollars product and 30 percent for 997 dollars product. If you are going to offer less than 50%, most of the time JVs may drop the offer. It is better if you write your offer in the exact number if it is lower than 50%, for instance, 197 dollars for 400 dollars product. If the numbers were presented in percentage would seem unrewarding. Anotheroption is the lifetime commission. Whenever your JVs close the deal, you pay the commission as long as your webinar is still on sale. It is very rare to see this lifetime commission offered to the JVs. The commission offer usually expire 3 months later. 

S9: A fast payouts is a big turn on for JVs, everyone wants fast cash in. It used to be a big problem for people to cash out the commissions. Butwith a better system provided by the marketplacenowadays, you can pay 80 percent of the commissions 5 to 7 days after the sales. You keep the other 20 percent just in case of any refunds, and then cash it out 30 days later. Providing an amazing customer support would attract JVs as well; inform the attendees go to you when there’s any problem.JVs would rather bring the attendees to you but they would not want to deal with them.The best part in this is you don’t need to be the customer support as well; most of the software provides rapid customer support. 

S10: The most important thing when you approach the JVs is to demonstrate your value, show them you are serious about this business, by offering to help in their launches first. Customize your messages for each JV. It creates a better impression to them instead of the robotic message that you send to every one of them. A great way to approach JVs is by going to the live events. JVs can understand you better when they are able to talk to you face-to-face in person, instead of through emails or Skype. If it is possible, go for it. 

S11: Be consistent and persistent in approaching the JVs, they can see that you are serious in the business this way. The chances of forming a partnership are higher this way. Be bold and make the approach. Structure a strategic partnership to be win-win for both parties. This way, you can form a long term JV partnership with them. The 80 percent and 20 percent rule is very important. It is there to protect both parties from getting into trouble. To avoid conflict about the payment, remember to stick with the rule. 

S12: A JV broker helps find JVs for you, this method should come last after you had exhausted your entire resources. In exchange of finding JVs for you, they usually get a brokering commission from you. It varies depends on the situation, experiences or the JVs he provides, ranged from 5 to 10 percent. However, you can always negotiate with them. If the deal is over your budget, reject the deal and negotiate further. Here’s a reliable place you can look for JV brokers
