How to Use Facebook to Get Attendees

S1: I will lead you step-by-step in this module on how to use Facebook to get attendees to your webinars – through Facebook advertising. With just a few simple steps, and your advert is ready to go. Facebook is a social media powerhouse. To advertise on it would be a huge advantage for you. However, the competition is fierce and there are specialized ways you have to master in order to make your Facebook advertising campaign a success. 

S2: It is so convenient and simple to create adverts through Facebook nowadays. All you need is a Facebook account and a fan page or Facebook page. That is it. With Facebook ads, you can connect to the specific target audience. In addition, you can control your own budget. Plan your budget according to your own financial plan. If you are a novice in this business, I suggest you start small. After several times of hosting the campaign, you can adjust your budget accordingly. 

S3: At the top right of Facebook page, click the small arrow and you’ll see create adverts. It directs you to the “Advertise on Facebook page”, here is where you start your advert campaign. First and foremost, you need to have at least an existing fan page or Facebook page. That is the only thing you need to prepare. If you do not own one, it is very easy to create one. Go to the same small arrow, click create page. 

S4: There are several options provided for you to create your own campaign according to your purpose. Depending on your objective, select accordingly. In this case, to promote your webinar, choose the first one to ‘send people to your website’. 

S5: Step 3, insert an URL of the website you wanted to link to. A small tip here for you, link them to your squeeze page first, after that then direct them to the registration page for your webinar. You do this to collect their email first, to increase your email list for future use. And then, enter your account information. Select your country, the currency and time zone of your country will change accordingly. 

S6: The next step is the most essential step – select your audience definition. This is a step to determine your target audience. Make it as specific as you can to lessen the range. There is an indicator of the specification available at the right column, it shows you the potential reach as well according to the information you insert. Insert the basic information, such as the locations, age, gender and languages. And then, to make it more specific, there is the option to key in your target audience’s demographics, interests and behaviors.

S7: Here you come to the part to select your budget plan. As I mentioned, you can control your own budget by keying in the daily budget you are able to afford manually. For example, 15 dollars per day or 50 dollars per day. This is the section where you can schedule your advert duration as well. Select the date to start and end, so Facebook will know when to charge your credit card and when to stop. 

S8: Step 6, it is time to create the advert. Upload some images that you want to use, read the recommended image size at the right column. You are able to upload up to 6 images. At the left column, you can connect the advert to your Facebook page or turn off the newsfeed adverts. I recommend you to connect to a Facebook page. Then, insert your headline. The text from headline will be placed under your Facebook page name. It is limited to only 13 characters, to insert more characters to your headline you need to use Power Editor. I will explain about this later. Moving on to the text, this is place under the image you uploaded. Click the advanced options at the bottom left. There is a text box for you to insert your newsfeed link description. And then, you can choose a call-to-action button. At the right column, you’ll see the preview for your advert. You can see the changes you’ve made to the advert live. Select the placement of your advert here, whether to appear in the newsfeed, right column, or the mobile newsfeed. 

S9: Finally step 7: Review your order. If everything is fine, place the order. Here you go, your advert goes on live as simple as that. After you click the place order, it leads you to the payment method page. Choose your ideal payment method and fill in all the necessary information. S10: Power Editor is an advanced version of advert manager. First, you need to download the Power Editor. Go on to the link, you’ll be directed to the advert manager. Find Power Editor at the left column and download it. 

S11: Same procedure as advert manager.Create a new campaign first. Insert your campaign name, buying type and objective. Suggested to remain the buying type as default. As for the objective, choose clicks to website. 

S12: Moving on to create new advert sets, create with an existing campaign or create new campaign. For the column of name advert set, put some keywords related to your advert will do. You’ll select the budget plan within this section, it is the same as the advert manager. Select the advert schedule at the bottom after you’ve set the budget. Here it is a bit different from advert manager. There is a new feature that allows you to select the time you want your advertisement to appear. 

S13: Edit the information of your target audience here. The procedure is exactly the same as advert manager. The next step is to decide your ad placement, where you want your advert to appear on Facebook. The options provided in Power Editor are the same as the Advert Manager – in the newsfeed, right column and the mobile and tablet. The only different here is the mobile and tablet option. Under the mobile and tablet section, there is an option for you to choose whether to just appear when they are connected to WiFi or not. This is very important, I recommend that you to select it, because often people are connected to WiFi when they are home, which means they have more time to read and watch videos. This way, your advert will stand a higher chance to be read. 

S14: Moving on to step 4 to create a new advert. Once again, the procedure in Power Editor is the same as Advert Manager for this section. Insert the URL and images you want to use for your advert. And then key in the headline, text and the link descriptions. The preview is also available in Power Editor, looks exactly the same. And then the call to action button is there as well. 

S15: Finally, after everything is done, click upload changes. Then your advert will go on live.
